M. Kader Kaneye, jeune expert-comptable diplômé de France et membre du programme YALI du Président Obama vient d’obtenir avec excellence son diplôme de Master en Administration Publique à la prestigieuse Université de Harvard. Cet honneur qui lui revient est aussi celle de sa famille, de son pays et du continent africain tout entier.
Apres s’être spécialisé en Économie, Sciences Politiques et Entreprenariat Social, Kader ambitionne de créer au Niger une université à l’image des meilleures écoles au monde
Le communiqué officiel que l’université de Harvard a choisi de partager avec votre site http://nigerdiaspora.net/ est transcrit ci-dessous en anglais, également disponible en téléchargement via ce lien : Kaneye Awarded Master’s Degree from Harvard Kennedy School
Boubacar Guédé
28 mai 2017
Source : http://Nigerdiaspora.Net
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For Immediate Release: Contact: Doug Gavel, (617) 495-1115
May 26, 2017 Harvard Kennedy School Communications
Kaneye Awarded Master’s Degree from Harvard Kennedy School
Cambridge, MA – Kader Kaneye graduated May 25, 2017 from Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) with a Mid-Career Master in Public Administration (MC/MPA) degree.
Kaneye is currently the CEO of HLB International, West Africa. While at HKS, Kaneye studied Economics, Political Science, and Social Entrepreneurship. After graduation, he will be working to build a world-class university in Niger.
"I am extremely proud of the members of the HKS graduating class of 2017,” said Dean Douglas W. Elmendorf. “These are very talented people from a wide range of backgrounds and nationalities who are committed to public service. We wish them well as they embark on the next chapter in their lives, and we plan to follow them closely as they work to make the world better.”
Harvard Kennedy School aims to improve public policy and public leadership around the world through research, teaching, and direct engagement with policymakers and public leaders. The school offers four Master’s Degree programs, more than 35 Executive Education programs and 14 research centers and institutes. With more than 19,000 degree program alumni and 44,000 Executive Education alumni working in more than 200 countries, the school offers the depth, reflection, insight, and excellence of ideas and teaching that can shape future leaders, improve public policy, and make people’s lives safer, more prosperous, and more fulfilling.